Of course, for the definition of cancer everyone already knows, that is a medical term which means in cell division is not normal without any control inside the human body that can spread to surrounding tissues. The cause of the cancer itself because in the human body are exposed to experienced anaerobic conditions.
When someone has cancer, the level of oxygen in the body is very low. Alkalinity of the body is also very low. When there is low oxygen and alkalinity, the body's cells become abnormal. The body's cells communicate with each other in passing along important information. Oxygen feeds the cells and allow for proper communication. But when there is a lack of oxygen, lack of oxygen, this communication becomes thwarted and the cells begin acting abnormally. This is why you hear health specialists and experts said the cancer was "abnormal cells" or "normal cell activity." This is true! Many doctors mistakenly said that the proliferation of cancer cells die, which is not true. If the dead cells will be no action. Cancer showed no abnormal cell activity and abnormal cell activity is due to lack of oxygen and alkaline levels low which means the level of excess acid or acidosis.
At first glance read that sentence would have little understanding about the diseases that are categorized as the world's deadliest diseases inikan? As in America, these diseases occupy the second position of the deadly disease after cardiovascular diseases. Just imagine how ferociously the disease can be fatal one. Therefore prevention is better than cure.
The disease is classified as a disease that is difficult to know, because the cause of the disease can be caused from the combined set of heredity, and environment. It could also be from food, viruses, or even infection. And type of cancer can vary, and have different symptoms as well.
Here are some types of cancer and its symptoms:
Brain Cancer
Headaches in the morning and decrease at midday, epilepsy, weakness, numbness in arms and legs, difficulty walking, drowsiness, abnormal changes in vision, changes in personality, changes in memory, it is difficult to speak.
Oral cancer
There are canker sores in the mouth, tongue and gums that do not heal.
Throat Cancer
Persistent cough, hoarseness or husky.
Lung Cancer
Cough continued - again, sputum mixed with blood, pain in the chest.
Breast Cancer
A lump, thickening of the skin (tickening), changes in shape, itching - itching, redness, pain not associated with breastfeeding or menstruating.
Digestive tract cancers
The presence of blood in the feces marked with bright red or black, malaise continues - constantly on the stomach, lump in the abdomen, pain after eating, weight loss.
Cancer uterus (uterine)
Diperiode bleeding - period coming months, when menses extravasation unusual and incredible pain.
Ovarian cancer (ovarian)
In the next phase before symptoms appear.
Colon Cancer
Bleeding in the rectum, blood in the stool, change in bowel movements (diarrhea persistent or difficult bowel movements).
Bladder or Kidney Cancer
There was blood in the urine, pain or burning during urination, frequency or difficulty urinating, pain in the bladder.
Prostate Cancer
Urine is not smooth, continuous pain in the back waist, penis and upper thigh.
Scrotal cancer / testis
A lump in the scrotum, scrotal size reservoirs in the enlarged and thickened suddenly, pain in lower abdomen, breasts enlarged or soft.
Enlarged lymph nodes, rubbery, itching - itching, sweating at night time sleep, fever or weight loss for no apparent reason.
Pallor, chronic fatigue, weight loss, often subject to infection, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, nosebleeds.
Skin Cancer
Lumps on the skin that resemble warts (hardened like a horn), an infection that does not heal - heal, the spots change color and size, pain in certain areas, changes in skin color of the spots.
A frequent complication in cancer patients is an infection that is in people with advanced cancer. Infections caused by lack of protein and other nutrients as well as immune system suppression that often occurs after conventional treatment.
To treat cancer, many alternatives to treat this disease, can be done with conventional treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, combination therapy) and can also with herbal treatment. And all that's not necessarily successful, many who have done various ways of treatment, that would not heal.
Do not let us forget about the destiny, if we were destined to leave this world, then we can not do anything, just by praying to the Creator, begged earnestly to be cured of the disease is the alternative. Hopefully we get mukjzat and healed from this malignant disease. Amin.
When someone has cancer, the level of oxygen in the body is very low. Alkalinity of the body is also very low. When there is low oxygen and alkalinity, the body's cells become abnormal. The body's cells communicate with each other in passing along important information. Oxygen feeds the cells and allow for proper communication. But when there is a lack of oxygen, lack of oxygen, this communication becomes thwarted and the cells begin acting abnormally. This is why you hear health specialists and experts said the cancer was "abnormal cells" or "normal cell activity." This is true! Many doctors mistakenly said that the proliferation of cancer cells die, which is not true. If the dead cells will be no action. Cancer showed no abnormal cell activity and abnormal cell activity is due to lack of oxygen and alkaline levels low which means the level of excess acid or acidosis.
At first glance read that sentence would have little understanding about the diseases that are categorized as the world's deadliest diseases inikan? As in America, these diseases occupy the second position of the deadly disease after cardiovascular diseases. Just imagine how ferociously the disease can be fatal one. Therefore prevention is better than cure.
The disease is classified as a disease that is difficult to know, because the cause of the disease can be caused from the combined set of heredity, and environment. It could also be from food, viruses, or even infection. And type of cancer can vary, and have different symptoms as well.
Here are some types of cancer and its symptoms:
Brain Cancer
Headaches in the morning and decrease at midday, epilepsy, weakness, numbness in arms and legs, difficulty walking, drowsiness, abnormal changes in vision, changes in personality, changes in memory, it is difficult to speak.
Oral cancer
There are canker sores in the mouth, tongue and gums that do not heal.
Throat Cancer
Persistent cough, hoarseness or husky.
Lung Cancer
Cough continued - again, sputum mixed with blood, pain in the chest.
Breast Cancer
A lump, thickening of the skin (tickening), changes in shape, itching - itching, redness, pain not associated with breastfeeding or menstruating.
Digestive tract cancers
The presence of blood in the feces marked with bright red or black, malaise continues - constantly on the stomach, lump in the abdomen, pain after eating, weight loss.
Cancer uterus (uterine)
Diperiode bleeding - period coming months, when menses extravasation unusual and incredible pain.
Ovarian cancer (ovarian)
In the next phase before symptoms appear.
Colon Cancer
Bleeding in the rectum, blood in the stool, change in bowel movements (diarrhea persistent or difficult bowel movements).
Bladder or Kidney Cancer
There was blood in the urine, pain or burning during urination, frequency or difficulty urinating, pain in the bladder.
Prostate Cancer
Urine is not smooth, continuous pain in the back waist, penis and upper thigh.
Scrotal cancer / testis
A lump in the scrotum, scrotal size reservoirs in the enlarged and thickened suddenly, pain in lower abdomen, breasts enlarged or soft.
Enlarged lymph nodes, rubbery, itching - itching, sweating at night time sleep, fever or weight loss for no apparent reason.
Pallor, chronic fatigue, weight loss, often subject to infection, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, nosebleeds.
Skin Cancer
Lumps on the skin that resemble warts (hardened like a horn), an infection that does not heal - heal, the spots change color and size, pain in certain areas, changes in skin color of the spots.
A frequent complication in cancer patients is an infection that is in people with advanced cancer. Infections caused by lack of protein and other nutrients as well as immune system suppression that often occurs after conventional treatment.
To treat cancer, many alternatives to treat this disease, can be done with conventional treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, combination therapy) and can also with herbal treatment. And all that's not necessarily successful, many who have done various ways of treatment, that would not heal.
Do not let us forget about the destiny, if we were destined to leave this world, then we can not do anything, just by praying to the Creator, begged earnestly to be cured of the disease is the alternative. Hopefully we get mukjzat and healed from this malignant disease. Amin.
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